Monday, August 15, 2016

Fist Day of School a Disaster?

After only a week's break my first day didn't go as planned. I showed up for my 3d Design class five minutes early and met my only classmate. That was a bad sign. Eight students are required to make a course. I asked her if she had gotten her supplies from the book store yet and she tells me they werent going to get them in for six weeks. This is normal for our college. Every art class ive taken the book store always screws up with the orders, putting us in a bad spot. Still it irritated me to hear this. About 20 minutes of waiting the head of the art department showed up instead of the instructor. Bad sign number two. He then looks at me and says jokingly "I must be the angel of death to you." This was the third time an art class I've signed up for has been cancelled.

Not quite knowing what to do next I head over to registration to see what classes are available. It's the first day of school and I only see 3 countless working when I know there's at least 5 for our campus. One hour after signing in I talk to a counter who kept confusing my ID number and didn't understand the program I'm in...great. I tried to keep in mind her day is very busy and probably just as rough as mine was turning out to be. She eventually manages to help me find an available class that I (now late) have registered for and I head to the bookstore. I partially expected the line to be out the door. I decided to try again later in the week before my next class.

Heading home I'm both disappointed and stressed so I swing by a fast food joint (which I am not suppose to eat) who's drive through takes 20 minutes with only 4 cars ahead of me. It's lunch time so go figure right? I make it him to find a roommates parent parked directly across the driveway to which I begin honking vigorously. I'm not in the mood for this shit, they should know better.
Once I get inside I sit and scarf down my food, a clear sign I'm in a bad mood and am heavily avoided by everyone. First smart move I've seen anyone make today.

I am now lying in bed loaded with medicine to prevent sickness and anxiety attacks and venting to whomever will read this.

Going back to my origional motto: expect the worst and hope for the best. Taking this on sooner would have left me only slightly annoyed.

Hope everyone else is having better luck today.
/rant over

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