Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump for President (my opinion)

So Trump won. America is now divided and hate is abundant. Mission accomplished Mr. President. Neither options were good choices but given the circumstances here's why I didn't vote for Trump... First off, he spreads hate. He just showed the world and all our children that you can treat other races, sexualities and women poorly and be rewarded for it. "Grab them by the pussy", "They can go fuck themselves" is the kind of language and attitude our new president uses. This is NOT the kind of role model I want any child or future child to look up to. Good job America. How about the fact he has no political experience? Let's put it this way; Say you need a root canal. Would you rather go to a dentist who has had 30 years of experience or would you go to a bored businessman who's never touched a dental tool in his life but says "Yeah, I think I'm right for the job."? This is where we just used common sense which leads me to a hilarious chart I saw a couple of days ago on how the majority of Trumps voters have little to no education (high school or college degree) and even the New York Times explains how he played on the uneducated to win their support. Does this mean America just showed the rest of the world how stupid we are? Still, you don't have to have a college degree to have common sense. It's not rocket science. America has already been the laughing stock of the world, now we're just plain pathetic. There's also the fact that Trump does not like to listen to others. Given his lack of experience he needs to be consulted and advised on how to do his own job but since he's use to being the boss he doesn't like to take orders. American is just another toy in his toy box and he's not going to want to be told how to play with it. He didn't even want the job. Why the hell would anyone run if they didn't even want to be president? Because they think that anyone else would be better than the other option? That is absolutely ridiculous! One needs much better reasons to run other than boredom and to make sure the other doesn't get into office. It's selfish and ignorant. Trump will set us back 100, maybe even 200 years if he carries out what he says he's going to do and I for one would rather move forward, not backwards. You can call me a sore loser but please don't be so ignorant to the facts or turn a blind eye to morality as he has rallied people to do. Don't be a mindless sheep in the flock and learn to think for yourselves. I have great concern for the next 4 years but all we can do now is wait and see what he does. "Expect the worst, hope for the best."

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